Site Listings: A Place of Hope for Eating Disorders There is a place for hope for eating disorders and they specialize in eating disorder treatment,eating disorder help,eating disorder,eating disorder treatment centers,anorexia treatment,bulimia help,clinics,binge eating,overeating and help for bulimia. Center For Counseling and Health Resources Inc We work with individuals from around the world and provide treatment for eating disorders, overeating, addiction, compulsive eating disorders, addictions and depression. Certified Psychologist Dr. Gregory Jantz is an eating disorder counselor and mental health expert along with being a certified psychologist and best selling author providing addiction therapy, addiction therapy, relationship therapy, and parenting therapy. Nicholson Facilitation Ruth Nicholson, CPF, is in private practice in Washington State offering custom-tailored facilitation, graphic facilitation, conflict resolution, and training services. Suggest a Site to be added to this category.